In this time of slim and healthy world no one wants to look like a dumb. But due to various causes a general pattern of disease that is increasing is Cellulite. This term refers to the dimpled appearance of the skin that some people have their hips, thighs, and buttocks. It causes little honeycombs, pushes into skin, it causes dimpling of cellulite. Due to irregular patterns of connective tissue beneath skin it affects people whether they are overweight or not. Most of people refer to have skin as smooth as they possible.

There are various treatments that have been promoted for ranging dietary changes to cellulite creams and mechanical treatments. Some of therapies popular among people are methlxanthines, dietary supplements, laser or light therapy, mesotherapy, collagenase, cellulite diets, wraps. Generally it is thought to occur in 80-90% of postpubertal females it is rarely seen in males.

It becomes more severe as the androgen deficiency in males that becomes main part of occurrences. It is not directly a function of excess weight, but a genetic difference in the way adipose tissue and connective tissue form. Report in 2005 from journal of cosmetic and laser therapy stated that patients must beware that the substances currently being injected to this treat are disturbing but condition have not been thoroughly evaluated for safety or efficacy.

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